Monday 11 November 2013

Best Friend !

Best friend is always beside you when you are sad or happy . 
After some years, we would be running 4 money,
busy with our jobs..
Just imagine..
If 1 midnight,
suddenly u are awaken from your sleep and found urself surrounded by ur friends wishing u happy birthday. That would be the magical moment when TEARS would come out of happiness.
Send tis to those special IDIOTs whom u never want to lose (even me if i'm one of them) And see how many comes back.
Just want to say..
Stay with me 4ever..
This love,
Is love,
The love,
Best love,
Way love,
To love,
Say love,
That love,
I love,
Am love,
Really love,
Lucky love,
To love,
Have love,
You love,
As love,
My love,
Friend love.

Now read it again without the word 'love'.

Cute right?

Send this to all you friends including me..

no matter girl or boy

If you get back

1= u r lonely,
3= u r the best person
6=u will get the good news
9= u r really lucky

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